CosTrack Connections
Here you will find some articles from our biquarterly newsletter from over the years. You can read more about what we do, what we bring to the industry, and what our cost analysts are about. Click the links below to open the PDF files.
CT Connections 1
Cost Control Simplified
A summary of how we add value to the client.
"There is a more essential component of information that our clients are looking for as the work progresses in the project window - this is the cost at completion, or the forecast."
"We are able to provide essential management information to our clients, who can then make midstream project decisions which might affect project duration, final costs, limit to financial exposure, workforce staffing and work package isolation of overruns by time and cost. We are able to help our clients identify where they might have made mistakes or oversights in their budget and schedule plans."
Our reputation for quality and service garners industry respect.
"The need within the industrial manufacturing world for both controls solution software and highly specialized individuals has never been greater."
"The CosTrack Project Controls organization, along with the accompanying CosTracker software and industry proven processes, has been one of the best and certainly most competitive controls packages in the marketplace."
CT Connections 2
The Shifting Market
The shifting market and our ready presence.
"With the placing of our CosTrack associates in responsible, long-term positions, we are also introducing better tools for clients to perform their budgets, definitive estimates, reporting and forecasting in the form of our CosTracker software."
"The exposure we are getting within the industry is enormous. Opportunities are emerging for us with the needs for more personnel, greater use of our software and the further exposure of our tried-and-proven controls processes."
Microseconds turn into minutes that matter in our industry.
"Any time we find opportunity to gain a few moments of time in out day by increasing the efficiency of our process or equipment, it helps with the flow of information into and out of the system and smoothes the pace of our daily work routine."
"An incremental improvement to CosTracker has been made that will save microseconds per use, and will gain us many valuable moments once we have set the preferences and we start utilizing the functions."
"Microseconds turn into seconds, which turn into minutes, which turn into hours of time saved over the course of several months."
CT Connections 3
What is a CosTrack Cost Analyst?
"The ability to make quick and accurate audits of the information being entered into the system and to reproduce accurate and meaningful reports from the system is the hallmark of an effective Cost Analyst."
"Whether entry level, or experienced, there is a lot required of a Cost Analyst with CosTrack Project Controls. There is a never-ending amout of knowledge to be learned pertianing to the job and within the industry."
CT Connections 4
Defining a CosTrack Senior Cost Analyst.
"An SCA will often be working as the highest representative of the company on many job sites; often as the only representative of CosTrack. For this reason they will need to be able to handle the multiple functions of our business occurring on the job site."
"The role of a Senior Cost Analyst is the most versatile classification and position within our company. One will need to know working elements of most classifications and will need to develop their skills to adapt to multiple aspects of the industry within which we work."